Suspect your baby has a Cow’s Milk Allergy?

Next steps from a Paediatric Dietitian (WEBINAR REPLAY)
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Join Belinda Martin, Co-Director and Paediatric Dietitian from Advanced Dietitians Group as she clearly outlines what to do next when you suspect your bub has a cow’s milk allergy.

Belinda has been a dietitian for over 25 years. She specialises in food allergy and intolerances and is an active member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy. As well as seeing lots of babies in her practice with cow’s milk allergy, she also has personal experience of one of her children having had cow’s milk allergy as a baby and toddler.

What’s covered?
– Is it actually a cow’s milk allergy or a cow’s milk intolerance?
– Do you need to cut anything else out of your diet if you’re breastfeeding?
– What can you eat?
– How can you make sure you and bub are getting enough?
– When can you reintroduce cows’ milk and how do you do it?

Watch this webinar and feel confident about managing cow’s milk allergy in your bub.

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