When was the last time you ‘broke the bread’ with your family?

Author: Belinda Martin, Accredited Practising Dietitian | PAEDIATRIC NUTRITION

Being back at school is a super busy time for everyone so you might be thinking that there is no way you can sit down together this week to eat a family meal. This can be especially difficult if like most families, the kids have after school or evening activities. On top of that everyone is tired from the transition of getting back into reality after a long summer break. You might be thinking UberEats for everyone!

But wait! What if we told you that a family meal doesn’t have to be one that is wholesome and cooked at home by mum with everyone sitting at the family dinner table to have health benefits? What if we said that eating fast food was OK? In fact, it is better to eat at the fast food restaurant together at a table than to take it a way and eat it at home. Sitting at a table and talking with each other over food you are truly enjoying with no TV to look at is better than taking the food home to eat in front of the TV or individual TV’s eating separately throughout the house with no social interaction.

Eating family meals – that is eating together around a table (or picnic rug), no matter what the food is trumps eating meals that is of the highest nutritious quality if you are not ‘breaking the bread’ with anyone and eating together as a family. According to the latest research, ‘children who eat their meals together with their family are more likely to experience long-term physical and mental health benefits’. Having parents at mealtimes provides young children with examples of firsthand social interaction and discussions around day to day issues. Routine family meals can also provide kids with a sense of security and belonging. A Columbian University study found that 71% of teenagers said they consider catching up and spending time with family members as the best part of having family meals. Research that looked at 5000 teenagers has shown that when children eat with their parents, they are more likely to be emotionally strong and have better mental health. How about that!

Are we saying to have fast food every night this week? Of course not, we are dietitians! We are just saying that having fast food every now and then is OK. Eating it together as a family is even better and will have a massive positive impact on your family’s health and sense of belonging.

Eating family meals you have prepared at home, as long as you eat it together as a family is even better! A study looking at 2700 teenagers and young adults (14-24 years) concluded that families who do sit down together to eat a home prepared meal, particularly if family members have been involved in the preparation of the table and the meal, have a better dietary intake in general and eat more fruits and vegetables. This was regardless of how well the family functions together usually. Preparing and enjoying a meal together can also help family bonding.  Family meals are an opportunity for younger children to watch parents and other family members try new foods. They are then more likely to try new foods themselves.

So, among the chaos this week, we challenge you to aim for at least one family meal where you eat together. Even if all you can manage is a meal at a fast food outlet. If you already have family meals together – fantastic you and your kids are on the road to better health and well-being. If not, make a start this week with once per week and gradually build it up from there. If dinner is too hard to achieve, eat together as a family at breakfast time.

About the Author

Belinda Martin is a Perth Dietitian specialising in paediatric nutrition, infant nutrition and pregnancy nutrition. She is the co-founder of Advanced Dietitians Group and loves working with people and families. She has been a dietitian for 20 years. She has worked as a Senior Dietitian and Paediatric Dietitian in various teaching hospitals in Western Australia and the United Kingdom. When she is not working, she is trying to tame a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old (and a 40+ year old) at home.

About Advanced Dietitians Group

Advanced Dietitians Group was founded in 2014 by Belinda Martin and Ingrid Roche, Perth dietitians with a combination of over 40 years’ experience in the industry. Both dietitians have a range of experience across the lifespan but specialise in paediatric nutrition, pregnancy nutrition, infant nutrition and allergies. They provide up to date evidence-based nutrition advice. This coupled with their wealth of experience in dietetics ensures you get the best possible nutrition service. They get a buzz out of helping their clients and their families.


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